College/Career Office
“Welcome to the College/Career office! I’m Ms. Carmona and I am a DYP alum. After graduating from John Jay, I decided that I wanted to give back to my community. I am here today to guide you through your post-secondary planning. I am thrilled to share all of the different pathways that are available to you; whether that’s college, trade school, military, or employment. It is never too late to start the process. Together we will create a plan for your future that best fits you. Please reach out if you have any questions, it is always my pleasure to assist!”
—Mariana Carmona, College & Career Counselor
The mission at DreamYard Preparatory High School to produce graduates that are Life-Ready. To support DYP’s mission, the College and Career Office uses various systems and processes to ensure students are prepared for life beyond high school.
Important Links & Deadlines For Seniors
Senior Timeline & Checklist

Senior Financial Document Checklist
Copy of parent’s 2021 Tax Return and W2 if parents worked in 2021
Copy of students Social Security Card (if the student has one)
Copy of student’s W2, if student worked in 2021
Copy of parent NYS ID (if the parent has one)
Budget Letter if parent did not work in 2021
Proof of Citizenship - Residents (Copy of green cards, visas, etc).
HRA Budget Letter from 2021 if family has received any type of assistance (SNAP, TANF, SSI, child support, unemployment, etc).
Senior Family Night 2022 Presentation
Senior Family Night 2022 Presentation English
Senior Family Night 2022 Presentation Spanish
College Office Quick Links